Privacy Policy

It is the responsibility of each Promoter to read, understand, adhere to, and ensure that he or she is aware of and operating under the most current version of these Policies. When enrolling a new Promoter, it is the responsibility of the enrolling Promoter to provide the most current version of these Policies, the Fusion crop science Pvt ltd Terms and Conditions and the Business Plan to the applicant prior to his or her execution of the Promoter Agreement.

FUSION reserves the right to change these Policies and Procedures, Terms and Conditions, Compensation Plan and Marketing Policy at any time.

1. Ethics

The COMPANY conducts business in an ethical and credible manner and requires its promoters to deal ethically with their customers, with each other and with the COMPANY. The COMPANY permits no unethical or illegal activity and will intercede when such behavior may exist, and the COMPANY reserves the right to use its best judgment in deciding whether certain Promoter activities are unethical. Furthermore, the COMPANY may use its own discretion in determining the appropriate course of action. If the COMPANY determines that unethical activities may exist, then it reserves the right to suspend or terminate that promoter status, including but not limited to all commissions and payments of any kind. Under no circumstances is an Promoter who is terminated for unethical or illegal activity entitled to a refund of their renewal fee, nor are they entitled to sell or transfer their position.

Examples of unethical behaviour include but are not limited to the following:

A. Making any false or misleading remarks, statements, innuendos or rumours that may disparage the COMPANY, its products or services, its Business plan, its employees, its founders or another COMPANY Promoter

B. Making any claim regarding the COMPANY’s products that are not found on the COMPANY’s current websites or official, current marketing material

C. Directly or indirectly disclosing any information to a third party other than an official COMPANY authorized employee for the purpose of assisting you with a specific issue.

D. Providing, selling or revealing any customer lists and/or their contact information that appears in your downline report to a third party. This includes the customer lists and/or their contact information that belongs to the COMPANY or appears in any other Promoter activity report or downline report.

E. Directly or indirectly disclosing the password or other access code to third parties

F. Any unauthorized use of the COMPANY’s name, logos, photos, videos, trademarks or copyrighted material in any way

G. Violation of any state or federal laws or regulations

H. Competing with the COMPANY’s products or services directly or indirectly through association with another business or through your own personal efforts

I. Aggressive or abusive language, behavior or treatment or any inappropriate behavior toward any COMPANY employee, founder or another COMPANY Promoter.

2. Marketing Advertising Policy

FUSION offers a Unique different Business plan that is provided by the company to help you build your business. These materials such as brochures and business PPT's are available through the website and given to you by company. There are those Promoters who prefer to use their own materials or create materials for certain special meetings. In the meetings this is the case, we have outlined our policy and procedures for personalized marketing materials. Fusion requires that all personalized marketing material be approved, by the COMPANY before a Promoter can DISTRIBUTE such material.

Privacy Policy

Personal Information

The COMPANY maintains a strong commitment to protecting the privacy of our customers and Promoters and their personal information. “Personal Information” means any information about an identifiable individual, other than business contact information. We protect that information. Unauthorized disclosure or access of personal information, including but not limited to account information or personal identification number, is a violation of the COMPANY’s Privacy Policy and is strictly prohibited.

The Promoter acknowledges that during this Agreement, he or she will be provided or will be exposed to or will have access to personal information and that such personal information is confidential. The Promoter agrees that such Personal Information will be collected, used and disclosed only for the purposes for which it was collected and only in relation to the provision of the COMPANY’s services or products.

The Promoter agrees to co-operate with the COMPANY in any regulatory investigation or in any internal investigation regarding any alleged privacy breach or complaint.


The rules and regulations outlined in this document are intended to protect the opportunity for all involved.

Please follow the Terms and Conditions as well as the Policies and Procedures as set forth here to ensure that you are in compliance. Please note that any infraction of these rules and regulations may result in suspension or immediate deactivation/termination of your status as an Fusion Promoter

It is the goal of the COMPANY to introduce our applications, products and vision to as many members/clients as possible with the purpose in mind of offering them a Business opportunity for earning. Coupled with this is our desire to help others achieve financial reward for being involved with us as a Promoters. The COMPANY desires to develop a long term, stable relationship of mutual respect, trust and integrity with our Promoters. By assisting them in achieving their goals and dreams, the COMPANY’s goal of establishing a long-lasting team will be realized.

© 2020 Fusion Crop Science Pvt ltd. All rights reserved.